2 AM

Emily Kowal
1 min readJun 4, 2022


Lying in bed
Nose pressed
Against my window screen
I inhale the musty metallic smell
That sits on my tongue,
And look out on to
The empty street.

The wet pavement holds
Pools of orange light
From lamps above,
And from my phone your voice hums
Heavy like a river stone.

I hear a car coming
From far off down the road
And I tell you,
That we are not as alone as it seems.
You bet me that the next car will be blue,
You tell me to wait and see.

And as the white car passes by I gasp, and hear you smirk.

A sweet silence takes over
As we wait for you to see the future.
Each time a car whistles past, I sit in shock
Though my eyes are tightly shut,
Because it’s more powerful if we both believe
That you are always right.

The sweetness wears thin,
And I wait for you to predict
Something more than cars.
I imagine us sitting
In that damp orange bubble,
Not being able to see beyond
What the light allows.

